Tuesday, October 24, 2006


The Plot Thickens!

Another hot piece of the transcripts released today! This one deals directly with the COVERUP we're all able to see right through!

(unknown speaker): (unreadable) legit sources.

Conspirator 3: If you think he'll get the job done.

Conspirator 1: Oh, yeah. He's very well-respected in his industry.

Conspirator 2: So we just pay off this one guy, he writes a series of articles disputing the inevitable conspiracy theories, and all of our troubles go away? What about all of the other professionals in physics and engineering who will see right through his articles?

Conspirator 5: Simple. We pay them off. When I tell you that my payoff account is bottomless, I mean it.

Conspirator 4: Payoffs? Won't it take a huge amount of money to get people to hold on to a secret this huge... this horrible?? And aren't there, like, hundreds of thousands of these people?

Conspirator 5: Well, we'll pay some of them off. Others, we'll threaten. People are spineless and if we threaten them they'll keep quiet.

Conspirator 2: Uh.. but won't at least ONE of them step up and try to get famous by revealing the fact that we are shushing them?

Conspirator 5: Oh, sure... but he'll be looked at as a "crazy" and he won't have any real evidence anyway. It'll look like he's a wacko who says "there's a government conspiracy, but nobody is talking about it because there's a government conspiracy."

Conspirator 3: Ha ha! That does sound like crazy talk!

Conspirator 4: I still have my doubts... that's a lot of people to keep quiet, and an unbelieveable amount of evidence to try to hide. I really don't think it's possible... And I don't think people are as spineless as you think they are.

Conspirator 5: (sighs) Can we have one meeting here where I don't have to end the meeting by killing somebody??

Conspirator 4: I... uh... was just kidding... I'm sure the plan will work just fine...

Conspirator 5: Remember when we pulled off that Achille Lauro thing? You didn't think that would work, either!

Conspirator 4: Yeah, you're right. Jeez, I really thought you were crazy when you said what they were going to do to that Klinghoffer guy. "He's in a wheelchair!" I had said. I was being silly.

Conspirator 5: Yeah, stick with me, buddy. It'll all work out. So when are you going to let me take you on a hunting trip? We always have a great time.

Conspirator 4: I, uh... I just don't know... I'll have to check my schedule...

Conspirator 5: Yeah, you do that. (name deleted), didn't you want to talk about our future plans to fake a Mars landing?

Conspirator 2: Oh, right. We have the wheels in motion on this project, I call it "Project (unreadable)

Shocked, am I! I feel that the secrets to all kinds of mysteries may be contained here! I have the lab crew working 24 hours a day to reveal more gems!

By the way, there have been other pieces of these transcripts revealed that I haven't posted here. It isn't that I'm hiding anything, it's just that the sections aren't very interesting. Most of them pertain to the conspirators trading recipies (including a delicious scone recipie!) and discussion of recent episodes of "Smallville."
Keep watching for more updates!

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