Friday, October 13, 2006


Government conspirators meeting transcripts revealed!

No sooner did I launch this blog than somebody sends me this transcript from a top-secret meeting between conspirators at the highest levels of our government!
The person who sent it to me had to sneak the papers out of a secured location by stashing them in a very cramped place, if you know what I mean, so they can be kind of hard to read.
They are currently going through extensive analysis in my lab and I will reveal the information as my team reveals more and more of the data through complicated processes I can't even explain.
As I've said before, I will only post confirmed facts here, so I have gone through an extensive process to verify these documents. Among other things, I know this guy who totally works for the government and he said they are "totally real."
This is what I've confirmed so far (names of the people have been hidden to keep me from getting killed by a government death-squad!). As I said, only portions of the documents are readable at this point, so some of the conversations will seem a little bit odd.

Unknown speaker: (unreadable) ... at the pentagon.

Conspirator 1: I think we should shoot the pentagon with a missile but tell people it's one of the "hijacked" planes

Conspirator 2: Uh... in the middle of the day? don't you think people might be able to tell the difference between a missile and a plane?

Conspirator 1: Hmm... good point. people in this country can be suspicious of tragedies...

Conspirator 2: Plus... it isn't like we're REALLY trying to blow up the building... we're just trying to get the American people riled up. I'd say having a real plane do it is more important than the actual damage to the building.

Conspirator 3: S**t, guys, it's not like we don't have access to lots of planes. So we rig up a plane to basically be a missile.

Conspirator 4: Right, but don't forget to have it painted to look just like a real commercial jet... you never know how many random tourists will get pictures of this thing. So many witnesses, too. That's a lot of people to pay off. Make sure the plane has frickin' windows. We have planes with windows, don't we?

Conspirator 2: Good point. and also, we want to make sure that everything people expect to see is there... such as plane wreckage and lots of dead bodies.

Conspirator 1: Wow, that's harsh... but you're right. we need to have the plane loaded up with lots of people, dead or alive, and have one of our experts figure out the best way to crash this plane so that the wreckage looks good on TV and bodies are all over the place. The last thing we want is to have the plane hit so hard that there isn't much recognizable wreckage.

Conspirator 5: Nah, f**k all that. we'll just use a missile. Why should we waste an airplane and hundreds of valuable corpses just to make people believe it was a crash? They'll believe whatever we tell them. Oh, and be sure to have my golf buddies out of the building that day. I don't want them to get hurt.

Conspirator 3: Won't that look really suspicious?

Conspirator 5: I really don't care. I can't spend this much time planning this incredibly intricate scheme. Let's move on to WTC7... we need that building to come down but we're all out of airplanes to crash into buildings

Conspirator 3: Um, why? can't we just get another plane to crash into there?

Conspirator 2: Yeah, why not another plane? or a big car bomb, like the one used back in '93 in that van under one of the towers... we could do it right this time and say it was an attack coordinated with the plane hijackings. get *FIVE* vans full of explosives in there before the planes hit towers 1 and 2, then blow the vans immediately afterwards.

Conspirator 1: That's a hell of an idea. security is very tight there now with vans and such, though, so maybe we should just use explosives in the building. We could plant them beforehand and make it look like enough damage was done by the the towers falling that WTC7 came down, too.

Conspirator 3: Hmm... we should probably rig up the other buildings near there to fall, too, in that case... it'll be kinda suspicious if 7 falls and 6 doesn't. And won't people be able to tell that the building was brought down by explosives?

Conspirator 1: True. So the plan is that we rig all the buildings right around the towers. and we have to get our experts to come up with a way to rig explosives in those buildings without people knowing about it and so that when they blow, it doesn't look like a controlled demo... you know, like you've seen on TV... with the poofs from the squibs and the building falling down all orderly-like.

Conspirator 2: Yeah, that'll be really obvious if the building falls down in a neat fashion. it needs to look like it came down because of fires and damage... actually, you know what would be perfect? We could do it kinda like the Oklahoma city building... have half of the building collapse from the "debris and fires"... then the rest will just be demolished later. It's as good as demolishing it right away, but it won't look quite so fishy.

Conspirator 5: Nah, f**k all that. Let's go through the trouble of setting the whole thing up as a controlled demolition. You know, so it falls down fairly neatly and doesn't damage the buildings around it very much. I don't give a s**t if it looks fishy, I just don't want to do any damage to the pretty buildings on either side. it'll probably take more work to make it come down neatly like that, but sometimes I just like to show off.

Conspirator 1: Uh... ok... on to the next issue: how do we keep all these people quiet?

Conspirator 3: I suggest we start with massive payouts. People are total suckers for money. Then, for those people who ... (unreadable)

Man! That's intense stuff, isn't it?? I can't wait to uncover what else was said!
I wish I could tell you who these guys are!
You can be certain that the rest of these documents will all be revealed here as soon as they are cleaned off and verified as FACT!

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